Aberthin speed limit set to reduce to 20mph after residents appeal for road safety improvements

Aberthin residents' efforts to improve road safety in the village have led to the Council agreeing to implement a 20mph speed limit along the A4222.
In recent weeks, over 30 letters were sent to the council by residents about the dangers posed by the road.
Their concerns include the sudden speed limit change between 60mph and 30mph, a sharp bend by the Farmer's Arms pub, the poor visibility for vehicles pulling out of Downs View Close, and the single narrow pavement with overhanging brambles along the road.
Residents also said they have seen "several near misses" during school drop-off and pick-up times, with buses for Cowbridge Comprehensive students causing congestion.
Kate Watts told Nub News: "There was a queue of traffic with all the buses. Somebody got really fed up and accelerated past three other vehicles.
"A child got out the car in front of me and went across the road, and it was centimetres away from being an accident."
Road safety has been a longstanding issue in Aberthin: previously residents asked for a controlled crossing but were told this was not possible due to the road layout and technical restraints.
As well as a reduced speed limit, suggestions include a rumble strips to encourage drivers to reduce their speed, widening the pavement, installing a cycle lane, and creating an alternative safe route to school.
As a result of their campaigning, the Vale of Glamorgan Council has proposed to trial a 20mph speed limit in Aberthin.
"The Cabinet report proposes to create a 20mph speed limit through the village, by implementing an experimental 20mph speed limit in Aberthin, and also use that scheme as an example that we can share with Welsh Government, who are considering introducing a 20mph default speed limit in Wales," wrote Vale Council leader Neil Moore.
"In order to make the 20mph speed limit more effective, the speed limits will be supported by a formal Traffic Regulation Order, making it an offence to exceed the stated speed during the period of the experiment (initially up to 18 months).
"Once in place any comments and objections from residents will be considered during the first 6 months of the trial.
"This report will seek the necessary authority to progress the Traffic Regulation Order. The scheme being designed with a view to installing the measures on site towards the end of June or early July.
"Essentially the schemes will comprise gateway features, including 20 mph signage, rumble strips and painted highway speed markings on the road, along with speed activated signage."
Ward councillor Cllr Andrew Pritchard said the development is "a big win".
"Considering we were asking for a 20mph limit, illuminated signs and rumble strips – we've got it.
"It does say at a later date that they'll look at other areas of improvement.
"We still want a crossing, but we've got this news that things are going to change."
The report will be heard by cabinet on Monday 21 June.
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