Cowbridge planning applications: Ten decisions about properties near you - including caravan park extension
By Isabel Millett
2nd Dec 2021 | Property of the Week

Cowbridge Planning Applications
Below is a list of planning applications in Cowbridge recently received or decided on by the Vale of Glamorgan Council.
9 Porth Y Green Close Llanblethian Cowbridge
Demolish existing single storey lean-to to side of dwelling. Construct new two storey side extension with lean-to extension to front elevation. To make alterations to door and window opening and construct new rear elevation veranda. Validated: 18 October 2021. Decided: 29 November 2021.
Llandow Caravan Park Llandow Cowbridge CF71 7PB
Variation of Condition 1 (removal of caravans from the site) of planning permission 2020/01116/FUL: To extend from seasonal use. Validated: 17 September 2021. Decided: 12 November 2021.
13 Vale Court Cowbridge CF71 7ES
New fence to rear boundary, raised decking area and open ended shed. Validated: 5 October 2021. Decided: 26 November 2021.
Cowbridge Comprehensive School Aberthin Road Cowbridge
Proposed new primary school and associated works. Validated: 25 October 2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.
Penllyn Estate Farm Llwynhelig Cowbridge CF71 7FF
Application for 15,950 bird multi tier free range poultry building, associated feed silos and hard standing. Validated 30 September 2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.
Darren Farm Westgate Cowbridge
Proposed redevelopment of the side incorporating the erection of five separate B1 office buildings, retention and change of use of existing farmhouse to provide a conference facility and associated car parking and landscaping. Validated: 11 February 2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.
2 The Broad Shoard Cowbridge CF71 7DB
Two storey rear extension and single storey side extension. Validated: 11 November 2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.
6 Borough Close Cowbridge
Wrap around rear and side extension. Validated: 17 September 2021. Decided: 5 November 2021.
28 Westgate Cowbridge
Alterations/extension to existing dwelling - resubmission following refusal. Validated: 11 November 2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.
Argoed Llanmihangel Road Llanblethian Cowbridge
Work to Trees covered by Tree Preservation Order No. 07, 1973 - Removal of one ash tree. Validated: 10 November 2021. Status: Awaiting Decision.