The Brooks Way
With over 20 yrs experience in business consultancy, & working with Senior Leaders, we can recognise the opportunities within your business.
By The Brooks Way
Posted: Tuesday, 05th July 2022 10:10 am

Whether you are an individual or a business owner, at Brooklands PDS we have a solution for you. Unlike your traditional training provider, we take a holistic approach to our development services and seek to deliver true transformational change.
With over 20 yrs experience in business consultancy, & working with Senior Leaders, we can recognise the opportunities within your business. We'll work with you to find & implement the solutions that will elevate your business to where you want it to be.
If it is business support you are looking for, we take a holistic approach to ensure the solutions we offer will really address your need. We strive to exceed your expectations and often solve a need you didn't know you had! We use our unique Investigate, Innovate and Implement model to enhance your people strategy and ensure your business is operating at its maximum potential.
We take a holistic approach to the business to investigate the engagement of your people, your business culture, your clarity of business purpose and your use of processes and systems. We compare this information to your business outputs such as profit, reputation, employee retention and customer satisfaction. We help you Find Your Business Truth.
We work with you to develop an innovative solution. We work with you to get to the root cause of the problem and find an innovative solution. This may be by helping you to redesign your structures, re-establish your purpose, create clear objectives for each employee, re-design new policies and procedures or it may be making better use of technology for example.
We work with you to implement these solutions through your people. We will support and encourage you, to ensure that actions are taken to drive the change forward. We will deliver the learning interventions for all people through our Academy. We will continue to partner with you to ensure the solution is implemented and your business has clarity, purpose and profit!
If you are looking for support on a personal level, we offer a holistic approach to your development looking at you as a person rather than trying to solve a problem or fix a need. We work with you to understand how you think, how you react and how you feel in different situations.
We explore your life journey to understand who and what has made you who you are today. We develop your self-awareness so that you can really achieve the change you seek. We tailor each programme of development to truly help you transform and grow. We help you to live your truth.
We have a team of expert Coaches and Facilitators, who using our unique people assessment tool, will build a picture of you. We look at what makes you happy, what makes you sad, what excites you, and what you are fearful of. We attempt to get under the skin of who we present to the world. We use this information to help us truly understand you and begin to discover your truth.
We will work with you to explore your truth, consider how it resonates with you, and ensure that it is serving you well. From this, we will identify the correct pathway for you. Our expert coaches will challenge you. At times this make feel uncomfortable but by really understanding who you are we can help you transform, unlock your truth and live your life unashamedly, unapologetically you!